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Responsible Resource Consumption for a Sustainable Future

What is happening? Why care? Way Forward


Anthropogenic Climate Change

In the recent few hundred years, we have seen global temperatures rise significantly, which has led to a much greater number and more destructive impacts of natural disasters. It clearly indicates that contrary to what a lot of people think, climate change is anthropogenic. Our over-consumption of our planet's natural resources such as fossil fuels and minerals, along with depleting reserves of these resources, has been contributing to these changes. The atmospheric carbon dioxide levels have raised from 280 parts per million to 400 parts per million in the last 150 years which has further trapped greater heat and contributed to our planet’s increasing temperatures. Such an unprecedented climate change has been causing natural hazards all over the world.



With over 10,000 recorded deaths and 335$ billion in damages due to natural disasters in 2017, it was the third most economically costly year in our history. While you wait for it to happen to you until you take an action, The next time you complain about you city’s excessively hot climate, and polluted natural resources, think again about what part you might have played. We've already been facing these problems throughout the whole globe, it's only about time till it catches up with you.

Team memberMelting Glaciers


It is clear that the melting of these glaciers has exposed the layer of sooty black carbon of the Earth underneath, which traps greater heat, and contributes towards global warming. Even the melted ice can flood and destroy originating rivers.

Team memberDrought-induced Poverty


One severe drought in 2011, followed by a series of no rainfall combined with decades of civil wars have resulted in the loss of livestock, agriculture, easier extremist persuasion, decreased jobs, displaced families, and increased rates of deforestration, soil erosion, crime and piracy.

Team memberHurricane Mitch


The 1998 Hurricane Mitch claimed more than 7000 victims in just Honduras as it came at the cost of things more than simply the ecosystem by even damaging its economy and the banana cultivation and exports, as the cultivation was struck with banana blight.



The phenomenon of climate change adversely affecting our lives and ecosystems isn't a thing of the past. Neither are these affect taking place away from out homes. It's only getting worse.

Anthropogenic Climate Change

The Camp Fire Paradise, California is a testament just to this. With over 88 deaths, enconomic damage estimated between 7.5-10$ billion, and causing 30,000 residents to relocate after the wild fire, the camp fire was the deadliest and most destrcutive in the history of California. As the first fire was located near the sparks generated by the Pacific Gas and Electric Company, it reaffirms how such large-scale destruction can be anthropogenic. We must recognize that we are causing these problems to our environment rather than being ignorant about them if we want future generations for humanity to exist sustainably.



Our argument opens to the greater question of the implications of fossil fuel, and natural resource consumption, and whether this expenditure is actually worth this pain people have to suffer.

We live in a world where the role of technology is indespensable. Yet, in order to make those devices, young mine workers across the world have to work in abhorrent conditions to simply get a small component for our devices. We still continue to exploit these resources that not just contribute adversely to our ecosystem but also make other people from our race work in conditions unsafe for any creature. While we cannot abandon these devices and services that are essential for daily functioning, we can make a conscious effort to only use things that are absolutely necessary. If we stop buying that new smartphone, just because it looks cool or because everyone is buying it, although it seems like a small decision at that point, a collective consciousness can go a long way in preserving these resources for our future generations.

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