Roadmap of upcoming ideas

This covers some ideas I plan to explore & write about. Listing them here so I don’t forget.

Idea Details Upvotes
All my problems List all my problems today. Apply engineer / founder mindset to structure them. Goal would be to feel comfortable with all problems & consciously think of ways to tackle them. -
Happiness themes (25 years) Many reasons for happiness have been fleeting. Many have stuck throughout life thus far. This would be an exploration of activities, values, events … themes that have kept me happy during this phase of life. -
Review of being single This may be my last few years / maybe months of being single. This would explore tradeoffs of single vs cuffed, things I can only do while single, how to make the most of this phase. -
The kind of org I want to build I believe professional orgs are one of the most meaningful ways to facilitate 1. large scale impact & 2. personal growth. This would explore: why do I want to build a company? what values must it follow? what will be my role? -
All known vices (running list) What are ways I act immorally? What are certain behaviors I engage in that I believe to be wrong? A starting goal would be to recognize these behaviors. A sretch goal would be to come up with mitigations. -
Ideas to improve the world (running list) A comprehensive list of ongoing ways I see the world needs to improve, describing observed issues and why they matter. -
Promises to myself What are promises I can make to myself & actually follow through? I often set targets for myself that I detail from - on a certain day or over time. What are timeless promises I can commit to? How do I sty accountable? -
INTRO (existential) Who am I? Why does my life matter? What motivates me? What have I done so far? What do I intend to do? -